Monday, November 27, 2017

Crazy Dreamers

This week was crazy y'all. We have been tracking like nobody's business this week. We have just had a ton of appointments fall through all throughout the week so we've been filling our time with finding activities. We even did street contacting in the mall on Black Friday hahaha. It was great! Thanksgiving was great too. We had a bunch of great families who gave us tons of food. We loved it. 

The highlight of the week though was listening to the “dream channel”. What is the dream channel you may ask? It's a “radio show” Sister Soelberg and I produce that goes live at 6:30 AM every morning (our wake up time). We talk about the dreams we each had the night before. Here are some of the crazy highlights:
-Sister Soelberg being an inspirational speaker and saying "a chameleon still has its own identity whereas a mirror wonders who he truly is."
- Sister Soelberg, Elder Davis, and I being on a hip hop dance crew dancing to "Families Can Be Together Forever" 

Stay tuned for more. 
I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was great and that y'all are getting excited for the Light the World initiative ... it's going to be lit haha.
Love you!

Sister Aase

Monday, November 20, 2017

Mugs & Hugs

Hello Friends!
So Since I just emailed you on Thursday there is not a lot to say. But I will tell you it has been getting cold here... like really cold. I got a really big coat on Thursday and I love it and have been wearing it like every day. Also, we have been given so much Hot Chocolate it's ridiculous. We are always offered it in like every house we go to. Sister Soelberg is obsessed with hot chocolate so we always say yes. My favorite part is looking at all the mugs. I drank out of a fantasia mug this week. It was beautiful haha. Anyway another great part of serving in Idaho is that random strangers just come up to us and give us hugs all the time. They will say things like "I just got home from a mission and I just love you guys" or "my son's on a mission and you guys are just so special". I love it because I love hugs... other missionaries think it's weird... but I'm totally into it. Anyway short email but just know that the Church is true and God really does know and love each and every one of us. 
Have a great Thanksgiving and go and do something for someone else!

Sister Aase

These are photos that we received on Thanksgiving from the family in the photo - members who invited Abby and her companion to have dinner with them.  

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sticks & Stones and Wild Beasts

How is everyone? Good? Good! Thank you so much for all the emails and prayers being sent my way. I love the emails and can always feel your prayers:).  So another great week here in Nampa. The temple tours are now done. It is definitely a bitter sweet. We are sad to leave the temple but so excited to get back to normal missionary proselyting (and finally get to use the referrals we have been getting YAY). 

So since we have been at the temple so much, I have gotten to study my scriptures a lot. It has been the best! I want to share with you one quick lesson that I've learned from my studies this week. So if you will all turn to 1 Nephi Chapter 16 with me hehe. Chapter 16 is the and there is just so much you can learn from it but I will share one quick message. 

So the story goes. Nephi and his family are in the wilderness and things are going well. They have weapons to get food. They have this Liahona (compass) that is guiding them to where they need to go. Life is pretty swell. Then Nephi's bow breaks and chaos ensues. Everyone is upset... Lehi, Ishmael, Lamen, even Nephi BUT Nephi instead of just being upset goes to work. He finds sticks and stones and he makes weapons. Then he goes and he fights off "wild beasts" with these hand-made weapons. 

A few things we can get out of this:
1.) Take what you have to the Lord and he will make it work. 
Sticks and stones are all Nephi had. He didn't have fine steel or a professional bow maker. He had sticks, stones, a determined mind, and faith in the Lord. Then he goes to his father, the prophet, so he can ask of the Lord to make it work... and it did. 

2.) BOOM the Lord will make it even better 
Not only didn't it work, but the results were better than before. Verse 14 says they went and "slain food". What does Nephi slay? "WILD BEAST". Nephi doesn't just get some bunny or duck for his family. He is bringing back the whole bear. 

When we bring all we can to the Lord he does not just qualify us. No. He over qualifies us. He takes our abilities and talents and weakness and makes them more useful than we could ever imagine. This week I had so many just bunnies and ducks that I thought would be impossible for me to overcome, like talking on the phone and approaching people on the street. However, I took all I had to the Lord and put my trust in His hands and I came home each night with bears hanging on my shoulders. The Lord can do miracles if you simply let Him. He has performed miracles in me, he has performed miracles in my investigators, and he can perform miracles in you. Let him!

I love all of you guys and I hope you have a great week!

Love Sister Aase 

A member in our ward, my Trainer, Sister Soelberg, & ME!

Monday, November 06, 2017

Behold, Fear Not

Hello from Nampa Idaho!

I'm officially here and I'm loving it. Getting here was absolutely crazy. Leaving at 3 am + 20 departing missionaries + introverted travel leader (aka me) = insanity. Haha but we survived. That day was packed full of things to do. We arrived and headed straight to the stake center to meet all our trainers. We were not told until the end of the night who our trainer would be so we all placed bets for the next 4 hours on who we thought would be paired with who. All the Sister trainers are so so nice but I honestly think I might have gotten the best one hehe. Her name is Sister Soelberg and fun fact she knows my cousin Zach. It was truly meant to be. She came out from Kansas but her dad is in the military so she has moved around her whole life... just like me. We have become friends rather quickly. We love talking about music and books together. It has been so much fun.

So I am working in the Nampa North Stake and I could not ask for a better area. The members are very friendly and just love the Sister Missionaries. I have also been able to work in the Meridian Temple Open House. We usually get there around 7 in the morning and leave around 9 at night. It is craziness, but I love being in the Temple. And... I get to see my MTC companions like every day because we are all working at the temple. We are in charge of the video rooms and answering questions in the reception tent at the end of the tour. It is so neat to meet so many people from all around. Everyone just loves the temple. (including missionaries because we are getting so many referrals out of it).

Anyway, we had this really neat lesson in Relief Society all about the commandment to fear not. I loved it and it was just what I needed. That is what I have decided to do this week. FEAR NOT. I have been given so many promises from the Lord to just open my mouth and that is exactly what I will do. Fear is not going to stop me anymore. I love the hymn "How Firm a Foundation" especially the lyrics "fear not I am with thee, oh be not dismayed, For I am thy God and will still give thee aid." That is what we should remember always. We have Him with us always so there is no reason to fear.

I love each and every one of you and I love this gospel. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers.  Keep the faith.

Sister Aase

My MTC group and one of my instructors, Sister 

Sister Bentley helped me pack - Oh what would I have done without her??

The skies here are so gorgeous, this photo doesn't do it justice.

The Lloyd Family -  they were the first family I had dinner with here in Nampa, ID