Monday, April 15, 2019

Move Along, Move Along, Like We Always Do

Yep, that’s right your favorite lil' vagabond is on the move again. 
Last Friday after visiting with our favorite old Russian couple we noticed that the APs had called us. The APs are in our district so we honestly thought nothing of it, but here is how the phone call went.
"Hey guys sorry we were in a lesson. What's up?"
" Oh with the crazy Russian couple. How are they doing?"
".... They’re fine"
"Oh good good ... so you’re moving."
" It's a really nice place... well not as nice as the place you're living in right now but still nice"
" and it’s pretty far out of your area so you're going to have to have a car full time"
"Wait we are gonna have to have the car full time?" *me acting completely chill.
"Yeah is that okay"
"Yeah sure it's whatever." *me internally screaming 

So yes! We now have a car full-time woot woot. Out here in the field, we have this term called a "dying wish" which basically means one thing that you want before you finish your mission and go home. A lot of people ask for certain companions or areas, haha not me. A few months ago, I told President that my dying wish was to have a car full time again, and he looked me dead in the eye and said Sister Aase you will be dying unhappy. HA! I guess President loves me after all. 

A lot of events happened this week. We had Zone Conference. That was super fun. Since Sister Vaughn and I had a baptism during our zone conference we got to go to a different one in Caldwell. I got to see so many of my friends. I loved it and cried my heart out when I had to say goodbye to them. Mission friends are just the best. 

Also, two of our wards had amazing ward activities that were so fun. 26th ward did this amazing missionary activity where everyone met up and then got a name of a person to visit. It was awesome. So many people came and then we had people come back to the church to have treats. It was great. Then the 8th ward did this insane talent show. SO MUCH TALENT! It was great to see. 

Also, Arianna was confirmed yesterday and we just saw so many small miracles happen this week. 
This gospel is so true and God is so good. 
Sister Aase 

Some FUN Photos

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