Monday, March 26, 2018

Exchanging all the time


Is anyone in need of a potato joke ‘cause I know I am... What do you call a potato that is hesitant to get into a pot of hot water? A HEZA -TATOR.... pretty bad but hey I'll get better at them.

Wow, this week we had a lot of exchanges (this is when companionship switch companions for the day). Sister Black is an STL (Sister Training Leader) so as her companions we get to do a lot of exchanges. They are always stressful... but always a BLAST. For example, we made banana bread with Hermana Patterson this week. Super fun. She is just the funniest sister I know. We also got to go to a baptism... wait for it... IN NAMPA! while we were with Sister Filmore. I got to see a bunch of my people that I have missed dearly and of course got to go to Chick-fil-a!! It was a good exchange.

Sorry for the shorter email but it really was a fun week with exchanges. One thing you learn from exchanges is that this really is the Lord's work. when you are with a brand new companion, it can be pretty awkward and uncomfortable during lessons because you don't really have the flow that your companionship usually does, but the Lord and the Spirit always pull through and make it a great lesson.

I love being a missionary and I love Idaho... even though it snows randomly and then gives us 60-degree weather shortly after. Idaho is a great place and I'm most definitely living here someday.

I love you all
Sister Aase

Monday, March 19, 2018

Lots of Laughter

Thursday: It was Sister Pace's Birthday today! We threw a surprise Zone Lunch for her - it was the best. We told her that we were doing a tracting activity together as a zone and Sister Pace, just like every Missionary serving in Meridian hates tracting. Needless to say, it was a great surprise. 

Friday: Normal missionary day. Lots of laughing. Sister Pace and I received a "very accurate" revelation on how Sister Black will meet her husband when she gets home. You know normal missionary stuff haha. 

Saturday: We actually did go on a tracting activity with our whole zone. It was actually really fun. Sister Pace and Sister Temple and I were all put back together #flashbacktoMTCdays. It was the best. We found ten potential investigators all in one ward. We are pretty excited. Also, I had my first lesson with one of our investigators in this area. He is amazing! He found out all about the Church through a program that they had in the prison he was in, in Salt Lake City. He didn't have much else to do, so he studied the Bible and the Book of Mormon like crazy. He blew my mind with all his scriptural knowledge. He taught us more than we taught him. He is so amazing and we are praying every day that he will be able to be baptized by the end of the year.  

Sunday: Sundays are crazy... and I become a little crazy on Sundays. I was told multiple times that I was an "odd little missionary" by both Sister Pace and Sister Black. I don't disagree with them. Haha. I am completely convinced one of the biggest reasons God sent me on a mission was for pure entertainment for my companions, because in the wise words of Bro.Whitemyer "Laughter is the best medicine...besides Advil". I miss him. 

Anyway, not a crazy interesting week but a good one none the less.
I love you all and hope you are getting excited for General Conference, Easter, and April Fool’s Day (I have a very good prank in the works... I'll send pictures) 

The odd little missionary (Sister Aase) 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Hello everyone! 
How is life? How did everyone celebrate pie day? Today our whole zone went to Blaze Pizza for their $3 and 14 cent deal. There is probably nothing that a missionary likes more than a good deal. Well maybe besides a baptism, or new investigator, or mail haha. There's a lot of things that make us happy. 

One thing that makes me really happy is living in an apartment with three sisters. It’s pretty darn fun. We make food together and talk about life and just laugh all day long. I highly recommend becoming best friends with both Sister Pace and Sister Black.  Another thing that made me super happy this week is that
two different families served us breakfast for dinner. Gahhhh I looove breakfast for dinner. We got French toast and sausage and hash browns
😄 it's sooo good. 

But the most important thing that made me so extremely happy this week is that I had my first baptism:) Bella got baptized. She is the sweetest little girl and I love her so much. I've seen her grow so much in her testimony over the past months and I'm so sad I don't get to see her more often. She is one special girl. 

I love you all and hope you have great weeks and remember how much our Heavenly Father loves you. 
Sister Aase 

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

New Hair and New Area

So first a joke given to you by Elder Mumford... Did you hear about the broken wig? Don't worry it's just a hairline fracture. HA!

It's been a great week. A crazy week SUPER CRAZY but good none the less. Sister Bubert and I found out that we were both getting transferred out of the area, so we have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off to get the area prepared for brand new sisters. Everything would be super easy BUT we also have a baptism this weekend... and our ward mission leader is out of town. So yeah, it's going to be pretty crazy for them. Pray for them please. 

So yes, it is true. Sister Bubert and I are no longer together. I'm going to miss her so much - we are basically soulmates. But I have exciting news. I am going to be in a trio with Sister Black and my dear ol' pal Sister Pace. Sister Pace and I have literally been praying for 3 transfers now that we would be companions. #godanswersprayers. We are so excited to be together. We will be serving in Meridian right next to the temple. I'm really excited just to work super hard.   

Sister Bubert also cut my hair this week. it's so crazy to have short hair again, but I also kinda love it. She cut it at ten at night. It was crazy. Anyway, I love you all and for the spiritual message this week: Read the Book of Mormon. It's a great book and will bring you much joy. 

Love you all, 
Sister Aase