Monday, July 30, 2018

My Little Greenie is Growing Up

Hello Family and Friends,
This week has been a blur. I wish I could think of some overall theme of the week for you, but I really can't - oh well.  So I guess I'll just tell you some highlights.

For p-day, we got to play a new game called “signs” on Monday. It was really fun. I love getting to meet all these missionaries that I haven't ever talked to before. It's just really fun to know new faces.

Sister Goodrich got to teach her first real lesson this week. We are teaching a girl named Kimberly. She is super sweet and I already really love her. Sis G was so nervous for it but she did great. I always love teaching with new companions because I always teach a little differently. 

Sister Goodrich also got to go on her first exchange this week. I got to be with Sister Sanders here in Kuna and she got to go with Wilcox & Adam to my favorite place in the whole world NAMPA. She loved it over there and has been talking about it all week. It's a good place -- who wouldn't want to talk about it?

Sister Goodrich also got to go to her first Zone Conference this week. Zone Conference is so much fun and I love seeing all my old missionary friends. I got to see one of my favorite Zone Leaders, Elder Denny. He is going home in a few weeks. He bore his testimony at the end of Zone Conference and made me cry. He has such a strong testimony and I hope by the end of my mission, I can have a strong testimony just like his too. 

Sister Goodrich also got to have her first "oh let's just have the missionaries do it" moment. It was one of the easier ones, thank goodness but still gave her a panic. We were in Ward Council and one of the bishopric members mentioned he was bringing his in-laws to church and they were not members of the LDS Church. They asked us that instead of holding Gospel Principals Sunday school class with the normal teacher, they wanted us missionaries to teach instead and just give the first lesson. We had some time to prepare, but still, it was a first for Sister Goodrich.  

Ok, so look at that. I guess the theme of this week after all is that my little greenie is growing up. She is already kinda a pro at this whole mission thing, but she is becoming even more of one. I love it. 

Have a great week everyone,
Sister Aase

Eating Chimichangas at Zone Conf 

RIP Elder Denny
He's heading home after serving 2 years
Pigs on the side of the road - we had to take a photo!!

Monday, July 23, 2018

We Are an Old Married Couple!!

Hello from KUNA! 
I'm so sorry I haven't been around in these last couple weeks but I'm here now haha... and I don't even know what to say. So why don't we start with my brand, new companion SISTER GOODRICH  :)

   Sister Goodrich is from San Diego County in a small town called Dulzura. (It's near the border). Every day when we are in the car driving 20 minutes to get to the next house, passing all the farms, she always says one of two things, "where are all the people" and "why is everyone white here". Haha it cracks me up. She is definitely going through a little bit of culture shock, but she'll get there :)

    She had a funny experience this week. We went out to eat and she ordered fish since I can’t have it... oh yeah side note I'm allergic to fish haha.  I don't think I ever mentioned that to anyone. I found it out while I was out here. Probably should have mentioned that story. #sorrymom #alliswellthough ANYWHOOOOO so she got fish. It took a while to get our food and once we got it this is what showed up.

We both just cracked up laughing. She had no idea how to eat it, but it made her feel at home a little haha. 

    Okay, so this area is ... how do I say it..... umm empty haha. Not really, I love it here. The big hype right now is we are getting a taco bell soon. There are only two places to eat here McDonald's and Arctic Circle, so everyone is pretty pumped. I love it here though. I love my new District and Zone. Since I've been in the Meridian West Zone for the last 9 months there are a lot of new missionaries that I'm meeting. So that's really fun. 

   So I guess the last thing to say is that Sister Goodrich and I have decided we act like an old married couple. We make the same breakfast for each other every morning, go on the same walk for exercise, and our conversations are always very...old couplish? haha. 

   We are doing well, and I’m doing great. The Church is true.
Sister Aase 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Bullet Points are a Beautiful Invention

So this is going to be a short email because today is transfer day. Transfers are always crazy!  So for my sanity and yours we are going to use the beautiful invention of bullet points. 
•I'm in Kuna now 
•Kuna is a farm town 
•I live in a barn called the party barn
•I'm going to be training which means I'll be here for three months
•I get my new greenie tomorrow
•Sister Robertson freaking followed me to Kuna 
•I'm not mad though 
•I love Sister Robertson 
•She will be in my zone 
•She is training too 
•We had to say bye to so many people 
•I cried multiple times 
•I loved the people in Meridian 
•I'll love the people here in Kuna 
•The Church is true 
•God loves you 
•I need food

Hope y'all have great weeks! I love you all 
Sister Aase 

Monday, July 02, 2018

My Testimony

Hello everyone. This email is going to be a little different but hopefully, you will like it. In one week I will hit my halfway mark (craziness I know) so I want to show you how these past 9 months have changed me and I think the biggest way I can show it is by sharing my testimony with you.

It has grown over the last 9 months and, although being very simple, it has become a very precious thing to me and I would love to share it with you.

I know that I have a loving Heavenly Father. I can see it every day by the miracles he pours down on me. I know that He has an infinite amount of love for each of His children even if we think we or they or she or he doesn't deserve His love. We can't do anything to run away from His love it's just simply always there. 

I know that Jesus Christ lived a perfect life. I know that through Him, and only through Him, I can be made perfect too. I know that He knows exactly what I'm going through and will support me in my trials if I let him. 

I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers. I know this through personal experiences and I know this through other's experiences. I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ truly did visit a young 15-year-old boy as an answer to his simple prayer. I know that this is the true restored church and it contains the proper priesthood authority received directly from Jesus Christ.

I know that the Book of Mormon is true because I've read it. I've prayed about it. I've seen the fruits that have come from it and they are good. I know that it is true. 

I love this gospel and I love my family and I say these things humbly now in the name of the one who is perfect and knows me perfectly, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sister Aase