Monday, November 26, 2018

Thanksgiving 2.0

Hello Friends and Happy Thanksgiving! 
I hope everyone got the chance to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade for me. Just like last year, it was the one thing- besides family- that I missed the most. So for those of you that watched it please share with me some comments about it haha.

So I'll be honest holiday weeks are always pretty hard for missionaries. You miss home, your investigators go out of town so you don't have that many appointments, people get very irritated when you knock on their doors, and members get caught up in all their craziness so you usually don't have dinners. BUT all the craziness of the week makes the actual Holiday 10x better. 

Thanksgiving was really fun. We started the day with a Turkey Bowl with some of my favorite missionaries. It was a blast. We then hung out with a lot of different members and we played... wait for it... ♣️♦️CARD GAMES ♥️♠️!!!! Uno, Golf, Phase 10 ahhhhhh it was the best. Oh, and the food was good too. Haha.  It was actually low key amazing and I was contently stuffed. I did not go into a food coma. I did not feel like I needed to throw up. I just was content. So 1 point for Sister Aase. 

So this week was a hard one but this upcoming week looks like it is going to be amazing. Even with the hard weeks, I am so grateful that I get the chance to be a missionary. I had a person ask me the day before Thanksgiving while we were tracting at night in the rain "why are you out here? It's too cold and wet for anyone to be outside!" And I looked at her and said "We do this every day because we have an important message to share. A true message that brings us happiness and we want to share it with everyone who is willing to listen". At that time she didn't want to listen BUT maybe she will down the road. Even when people don't want to listen, I'm grateful I get to give them a chance to exercise their agency.

 I'm grateful that I myself am changing and coming closer to Christ during this process. I'm so grateful for my Savior and for a wonderful family who introduced me to Him. I'm grateful for the love and support of all of you. But most of all I'm grateful for my knowledge of this true and restored gospel and the peace it brings to my life.

Love you all, 
Sister Aase 

°Fun sister pictures at the Turkey Bowl
°We found some old Christmas stuff in our apartment and decked out! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Let the Holy Spirit Guide You

How have everyone's weeks been? Is everyone getting excited for Thanksgiving? It is such an amazing time to be a missionary. People take you in and just love you. Of course, I miss everyone at home immensely BUUUUT if I could be anywhere, I would choose to be right here in Meridian with these amazing members that just love us to pieces. 

This week was filled with miracles, tears, laughs, and trials. That's basically every week of a missionary’s life. So, this week I started leading this area. This basically means, at least for the first week, pretty much planning the day by yourself because your companion doesn't know what is going on. Boy, that was hard. I just never knew what to do or who to see. But it was amazing because the Spirit guided me throughout the day, every day this week. When some appointments fell through and we had a spare hour to do something, the Spirit guided me. When we were stuck in a place and needed a ride, the Spirit guided me. When we were out in the cold and needed a place to go to warm up, the Spirit guided me. It is amazing what the Spirit can do when we just humble ourselves and allow it to guide us.

I love all of you and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with thoughts of all our many blessings.

Love Sister Aase 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Transfers AGAIN???

It is crazy y'all. Transfers are happening again. These things just seem to fly by now. I will be staying here in Meridian but my dear Sis Maschino will be leaving. I have learned so much from this sweet girl. I love her to death and she is going to do so many amazing things in life. 

I will be getting Sister Anderson and she is just the sweetest person and I'm excited to be with her.  I am excited that I get to be in Meridian again and keep on teaching the people here. There is just so much to do. 

I love you all and I hope you are staying warm and getting into the holiday spirit. 
Sister Aase 

Monday, November 05, 2018

Maple Leaves - The SCARIEST Mascot Out There!!!

Happy Halloween! What did everyone go as? Send pictures please!!!! HAHA. I think as a missionary at this time now instead of letters (although you really appreciate those too) you just love love love photos:) so send them away!

Man, this week… so many stories so little time. So I will save my craziest one for the end.

Story number 1 
Title: They dun got dunk 
When: Saturday 
Where: Kuna 
My dear dear friends Ken and Jannet got baptized gahhhh! It made me so happy. To top it all off it was Jannet’s birthday that day and she just kept on saying "you see this is my BIRTHday and I'm being BORN again. Ha. Get it? It just makes sense." She is so flipping funny. Man and ... don't tell President... I even got to hug Ken! Ah, it made me so happy. He said to me after I gave him a handshake "it's a special occasion you can hug me now" gah I died! I love them:) 

Story Number 2 
Title: Let’s GLOOOOW!!!!!!! 
When: Last Monday 
Where: Church Gym
We had the freaking dopest pday last week. All thanks to yours truly. So we had what was called a district P-day because everyone else was off on their temple trips and let me tell you everyone always complains about district P-days because they think they are so boring. Ha Ha wrong-o. I love district P-days, you just have to put some thought into it. So I received a package by my dear friend Sara earlier in the week with a bunch of fun things in it including...wait for it... GLOW STICKS! So we decided to do a bunch of glow in the dark games. Glow in the dark volleyball, glow in the dark hide and seek, glow in the dark lookout. It was the best and everyone enjoyed it.

Story Number 3 
Title: The invisible trunk 
When: Halloween Eve 
Where: Church Parking lot
My dear companion is a convert to the church. She has only been baptized a little over a year. So she had never been to a trunk or treat before so of course, I had to take her to one. She was obsessed! Absolutely loved it. When it came to trunks ours was definitely the best... it was invisible! (remember, we don’t have a car, we are in a biking area)  WOW. We sat in a parking lot and handed out candy and whenever anyone past our trunk we would scream, wait you past our car! They would be so confused. Then we would give them some candy and a Halloween pencil (again thanks to my dear friend Sara). It was the best. 

Story Number 4
Title: Cereal for days 
When: Dinner time
Where: Only the best family ever
WE HAD A FREAKING CEREAL BAR FOR DINNER! what the what??!! it was the best thing ever. Everyone got two bowls and two cups so we could have chocolate milk and orange juice and two different types of cereal all at the same time. Needless to say, we love the Ashtons. 

Story Number 5
Title: What's Halloween without a little blood
Where: An innocent looking neighborhood
So here we were riding our bikes home for lunch after a great time contacting. Sis Maschino and I were 1 starving 2 freezing so we were so excited to get home. So we were just traveling home and we saw these gorgeous maple leaves and we love to ride through them because the crunchy sounds give us joy... they did not give us joy this time. I biffed it so hard. I as my family would say pulled a big fat Quinn. Man, so there I was laying on the ground not able to move and out of nowhere this man comes and says "are you okay". Being so embarrassed I looked up at him and said no no I'm okay. And he just looked at me and said haha no you are not okay. I then looked down and I saw a bunch of blood yikes. So they fixed me up and then took us home.  Then Maschino checked for a concussion and I was all good and so I took some rest. I woke up to a bunch of elders in OUR APARTMENT. They gave me an amazing blessing and it made me feel so good. Wow, I love the priesthood. So do not worry about me. I'm all good now just a black eye and a couple bruises on my face (haha my face broke the fall lol). And now I have a fear that cannot be tamed of bikes (not really I'm good just a little scared of leaves now). But the blessing of this is I was wearing my gloves and leggings so a literally have no scrapes on any other part of my body just my face haha.  

Story Number 6
Title: I all alone there's no one here beside me
When: A dark dark night 
Where: A confusing neighborhood
So here we were again back on the bikes and it was pitch black. Sis Maschino wanted to see this family to say goodbye to them and I was totally on board until we got outside. I just kept on saying to her, Maschino this is so dumb. But alas we went. So I was going really slow because umm pitch black and fear of bikes haha. But it was freezing and Maschino is from AZ so she was going really fast. Before I knew it, she was gone and as much as I yelled her name she never came back. I was a little nervous to say this least. So here I was in the dark, with no companion, and no idea where to go, and had a missing contact lens (dang black eye... it's been making my contacts fall out... I've only completely lost one though). Let’s just say I was companionless and lost for 20 minutes. It was terrifying. I have realized that the adjustment of coming home and being without a companion is going to take me a while. 

Man so this has definitely been the most eventful week of my mission, but I have loved every second of it. Even the scary ones. As Sister Maschino says it's all part of the mission experience right. 

I hope all of you had some exciting things happen to you this week. I love you guys so much and stay safe out there... far away from the maple leaves. 
Sister Aase

1. Us at pday glowing in the dark game - bomb!
2. Maschino and I with our invisible car
3. Me recreating a picture of me as a youngin' with a black eye haha
4. Jannet and Ken's baptism