Monday, September 24, 2018

We Cannot Fall!!

I'll be completely honest; this week has been a complete blur in my head. But I did have a really fun day today. Sister Goodrich and I went to a place called Swan Falls. It's a big dam with really pretty mountains surrounding it. It was beautiful there and we had a great time.

I was reminded of the scripture Helaman 5:12 while we were there. If you don't remember the story, Nephi and Lehi are about to go out and be missionaries (like the best missionaries ever btw) and as they are going out they reminisce on some of the things their father Helaman taught them. One of them being this scripture;  "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."

I love this scripture. Today as I was looking at it, the word "build" stuck out to me. Building takes work. The scripture doesn't ask us to just stand on the rock and then the storm won't have power over you. No. It says build. Work. Make a foundation and a home that you intend to stay in. Building also means you need tools. Heavenly Father didn't and doesn't expect us to create strong testimonies in the Gospel just by ourselves. He gives us many tools to build our foundations. He gives us the church and great teachers, seminary and institute classes, scriptures and prayer. We are given all these things so our foundations can be sure because temptation and storms and trial do come, but I know if we work and build our foundations little by little, day by day, "we cannot [and will not] fall".

I hope you have great weeks and are getting excited for General Conference. 
Sister Aase 

Monday, September 17, 2018

A crazy, insane, stressful week ... scratch that... 4 days

It's crazy my friends. Life is crazy. So I wrote to you last Wednesday. Just 4 days ago! Well, these last four days have been insane. But to sum it all up, I will just tell you 4 big things that have happened. 

1.) Janet went to a baptism. It was super cool. There were a bunch of missionaries there! The Spirit was totally present and it just was awesome.  

2.) I am convinced I have found a magical ring. Before Sister Robertson and I left the area, Becka gave us both these beautiful rings. I have (because I'm still Abby) lost this ring multiple times. The really amazing thing though is that this ring just shows up. Literally falls out of the sky shows up. I will hear I little clink noise of something metal falling to the ground and then it will just be there. 

3.) We got in a car crash this week. Scratch that Sister Sanders and Sister Goodrich got in a car crash. Scratch that Sister Sanders and Sister Goodrich got in a minor fender bender haha. We went on exchanges this week and I kid you not two minutes into the exchange they got hit. I leave my companion for two seconds and this is what she does without me. haha just kidding. It was not their fault at all and no one got hurt. We do however have to go into the mission office for a good 3 hours today though to fill out forms. Scratch that we have to go to the mission office for a good three hours today while Sister Sanders fills out forms. Exciting haha.

4.) Last but not least... We moved.... again! We have officially been in 3 different homes in under 3 months. It’s a mission record. It’s crazy and insane and stressful, but we are getting through it. 

So life huh? It's crazy and insane and stressful... but it’s good. It's always good because God is good. I love you all and I hope with all the crazy things that you are going through you will remember that God loves each of you and knows what you are going through. 
Sister Aase 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Those Are Some Sick Blessings

Well hello hello everyone!
I first have to apologize. I sometimes forget that here in the good ol' Nampa Idaho Mission we get to go to the temple every once in a while, which messes up our pdays... this was one of those times. Let me tell you I LOVE THE TEMPLE! I always receive the exact revelation I need. It's such a special place. So this is your challenge from your favorite little Nampa Idaho sister missionary; GO! Right now I only get to go every 3 months or so but I'm so excited to get back home and get to go whenever I want. 
*steps off soapbox 

So let's talk about the rest of the week. This week sister Goodrich and I both got sick (yuck🤢). But God is so aware of us and looking back on the week I have been able to find 3 "sick" blessings. 
1.) God made it so we were sick at different times. I honestly don't know what we would have done if we were both sick at the same time... probably died haha. Sister Goodrich was able to serve me while I was sick and I was able to serve her. We grew a lot closer to each other because of this experience. 
2.) It gave Sister Goodrich and I even more time to listen to this new book that we love called "Saints". Man alive the book is so good. All about church history. We are both learning things we never knew before. 
3.) We didn't get sick until after zone conference. Which made me really happy because I love zone conference and would have been so sad to be sick during it. I also performed a musical number at Zone Conference with Sister Robertson. We sang a song that I wrote and it was a huge hit. Everyone has been asking us to record it so they can listen to it throughout the week. It was super cool:) 

Sister Aase, Elder Bruce & Sister Robertson

Welp I think that is all for now. I hope you all can see some sick blessings in your lives this week (but maybe just take out the getting sick part). I love you all and appreciate all the prayers you are sending out my way!
Sister Aase 

I would have a lot more pictures but I never take them on my phone, they are always on other people's phones. Sooo until I get those this is all I got. But I was able to finish the Book of Mormon this last week. I love the Book of Mormon and I learned a lot from it. I especially liked marking it up this time as I read it.

Monday, September 10, 2018

From Abby's FB - Why am I a Latter-day Saint

Why am I a Latter-Day Saint? Why do I dress the way I do? Speak the way I speak? Act the way I act? Why did I decide to sacrifice 18 months of my life to serve the Lord? 
Because I am a happier person when I follow the counsel of our living prophet. I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and I want to do everything I can to please Him. But the biggest reason is because I KNOW that this is truly Christ restored gospel on the earth. And that is 

Image may contain: shoes and outdoor

Monday, September 03, 2018

Amazing "spirit"ual experiences

Hello everyone! 
This week was a complete blur. Like I don't even know what happened this week. But we did have some pretty cool experience with listening to the Spirit. So I'll just share two with you. 

This one happened on Thursday when we went to see Travis (a guy who accepted a Book of Mormon and lets us talk to him every once in a while). We were talking in the car about what spiritual message we should prepare for him and the thought of the Plan of Salvation came to my mind. So we went with it. We went and knocked on the door and within the first couple minutes, he said "so I have a question... where did I come from and where will I go after this life?" What the what? It was crazy and we got to tell him all these things and show him videos and scriptures because we prepared beforehand. Wow!

Next one happened on Sunday while teaching Janet and Ken. We were going over Tad R Callister’s talk "The blueprint of Christ church" (really good talk, totally recommend it) and we were planning on doing just the first little section of the talk. The night before however we felt like we should study the whole talk even though we knew we were just teaching the first part. During the lesson, however, Ken started asking all these questions that the last part of the talk answered perfectly. We got to read some of those sections with him and answer all his questions. The only reason this happened though is because we listened to a prompting to study the whole thing. 

The spirit is amazing and truly, if you will let it, guides us in every aspect of our life. I love Idaho. I love being a missionary. I love having the presences of the Spirit. But most of all I love this gospel. 
I hope you all are having a great a Labor Day and have a great week.
Sister Aase 

Fixing crepes for my district meeting:

Going on an exchange with Abby, a young woman in our ward who is preparing to serve a mission.