Monday, January 28, 2019

I Wish I Was Sister Nymoen

Wow, this week is a complete blur. It is weeks like this where I wish I could be like my dear friend Sister Nymoen and just write an amazing inspirational email even if it is made up of nonsense stories. Sister Nymoen is the best. 

We had zone conference this week which was amazing and inspiring. I loved it. I recorded a song and posted it on FaceBook this week. That was really fun. The most amazing thing that happened this week though was my dear friend Dylan came to church with her dad! Wow, that was an amazing sight to see. She loved it too. AND THEN later that night during our lesson, she said she wants to be baptized but she doesn't know when. WOW. It was way cool to see her be excited like that. There are still a bunch of things we need to work out with the family because the worst thing we could do is let her be baptized and then have her just become a less active member. So we are trying to get the whole family back. Good thing we have amazing members right. Bro. Douberly is already on it to friendship the whole family. I love that man. 

Anyway, I think that is it. I will include some pictures. Including ones of last week because I forgot those. 
I love you all 
Sister Aase 

~The primary activity we do with the Wheelers. They are the best little kids. This week we acted out scripture stories. They loved it.
~Photos with my friends Sister Pace and Sister Hansen. I was companions with Pace when we were both little babies and just 4 months out, I just lived with Sister Hansen last transfer in Meridian. 
~Me happy with my uke
~This member taught us how to flavor profile and make this Scandinavian type of bread thing... I forget what it is called... but you basically just put yummy things on rye bread BUT you have to flavor profile first. ALWAYS FLAVOR PROFILE!! 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Bring Him Home

If any of you know me at all, you know that I love my Broadway music. So when I made a Broadway connection to a spiritual event this week, I knew I had to tell you all about it. But before we get into any of that, let me tell you about the rest of my week. 

It snowed this week! YAY! It was our walking week. BOO! Haha. So yes the week started with snow and Sister Ellett and I had to put on our big girl boots and keep moving forward cause haha #nottodaysatan. We started contacting people in the beginning of the day and didn't stop until dinner when we had our appointment for the night. Guess how many doors we knocked on that didn't answer. Just take a wild guess. ZERO! Everyone let us talk to them. Everyone. Some may say that it was because of the snow and people felt bad for us... and it’s very true for some that might have been the case but I also am a strong believer that we received so much success because God loves us and knows that we were going out and doing a hard thing and He wanted to bless us. Man alive God is so good. 

Wednesday we got to make these really cute puppet things with one of our investigators Brooklyn. She is so cute and we love her. We do primary lessons with her every week. She is amazing and wants to be baptized but can't because of her parents. But we do primary lessons with her at grandma’s every Wednesday and always have a great time. 
(side note I just found out that my companion titled her mass email "mama mia hear we go again"... can you tell we are a match made in heaven?) 

Saturday we got to go on a road trip to Meridian for a baptism of a girl Sister Ellett taught. I got to see a bunch of my favorite people and the baptism was amazing. I never met this girl before but the spirit in that room was so strong. I loved it.

So now on to my Les Mis part of the email. So this week I found out that a dear dear friend of mine got baptized. His name was Jim Frost. He was someone I taught in my first area. Really like my first real investigator. I taught him for about 4 months and I saw him grow tremendously in the gospel. He prayed out loud for the first time with me. (this guy is in his 70s). He started to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon while I was there. I cried over this man a million times because I just wanted him so badly to get baptized and he just refused. When I found out that this man, that I love so dearly, decided to get baptized my soul was overwhelmed with joy. So on Sunday, we got to hear from a member of the 70 and his talk was all about how God is our loving Heavenly Father. He shared a story with us of when he was a mission president and President Nelson came to his mission to evaluate it. He told President Nelson all these huge plans of how they were going to raise their "numbers" and how statistically this is the best thing that he thinks they can do for the mission and blah blah blah. President Nelson stopped him mid-sentence and said, "I don't really think God cares much about any of this. He just wants his children home." That's all he wants. He wants us to come home. He wants us home because we are His.

So I looked back on this experience with Jim and thought about how I felt when I realized that he was taking the steps he needed to come home. I thought about how much I have come to love this man that I literally have known for under 2 years and taught even less than that. Then I thought about our Heavenly Father and how He must have been feeling that day. Heavenly Father has known Jim for an eternity. Knew him before he even came to this earth. Heavenly Father has taught, loved, and watched this man as he has slowly over the years come closer and closer to baptism. I know the Heavenly Father's soul was overwhelmed with joy when Jim made the decision to be baptized. He could finally say my son Jim is on his way to come home, and that is all our Heavenly Father wants.

That is my testimony that I want to leave with you this week. I know Heavenly Father knows what we are going through and blesses us and I know that He is just waiting for the day for each of us to come home.
Sister Aase  

Monday, January 14, 2019

Cause when you fifteeeeeen (months out)

I hope all of you remembered that good ol' Taylor Swift classic CAUSE LITERALLY NO ONE IN MY ZONE REMEMBERS IT! 

But you heard it right yall. Your little girl has hit her 15-month mark. Craziness. It still feels like I just got out here. 

So here are 15 fun facts from your favorite sister missionary
1)  Did you know that water is wet - Elder Wiltbank 
2)  Polar bears gain 500 to 600lbs when they are pregnant - Sister Thetford 
3)  Call of Duty is actually a terrible game -Elder Bruce
4)  Cars have 4 wheels -Elder Ginther 
5)  Lefties are better than everyone -Elder Broderick
6)  Lefties statistically have a shorter life span -Elder Wiltbank 
7)  On a 100-octane pump gas the Dodge Challenger Demon it makes 850 WHP (wheel horse power) - Elder Wahere 
8)  The moto on the 1st official Us coin was "mind your business -Sister Ellett 
9)  Dogs have tails - Elder Thomason 
10) Star Wars is better than Star Trek - Elder Wahere and Elder Bruce 
11)  You don’t eat bugs in your sleep -Sister Ellett
12)  South Carolina is the best state in the nation - Elder Wahere 
13)  Sister Maschinos favorite animal is a dolphin - Sister Maschino 
14)  President Sorenson was a nursery leader before being called as a mission president. -Sister Aase 
15) The book is blue the church is true. -The Nampa South District 

I love you all and I hope you have amazing weeks. 

- We went on exchanges this week and it was so fun. 
- At our mission-wide meeting, I got to see all my friends! Here is a picture of my MTC companion Sister Bentley, all the sisters in the MTC with me (Sister Temple, Sister Pace and Sister Bentley), and lastly a picture of everyone who came out with me. We are all FIFTEEEEEEN (months out) 

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

The Mission is Dying!

Hey everyone.
Sorry for the really late email. I am getting pretty bad at this emailing stuff! This week has been pretty amazing though, so I wanted to tell you about it. 
Let’s start with PANTS. So, for those of you who have not heard, sister missionaries are allowed to wear pants now. Some sisters bought pants the next day while other sisters, like me, were a bit more hesitant. 
Here are my reasons
1.) I have been out here for quite some time and am very comfortable doing missionary work in a dress
2.) I have never worn "business clothes" ever, but have grown up wearing dresses.
3.) I hate shopping!

But today Sister Ellett and I decided to go shopping to just see what we could find. And let me tell ya, we found some really cool pants haha. So, I now own 3 pairs of pants - black, brown and grey. AND I DIDNT EVEN CRY ONCE! You want to know what the trick was? We prayed right before going into each store and BOOM pants just appeared right before us! God loves his Sister Missionaries... and possibly pants. 

So another thing some of you might not have heard is our mission is dissolving! The funniest part of all of this is ALL the missionaries found out because of Facebook! It felt like finding out your boyfriend cheated on you ...but only because you see his wedding pictures on FB haha. Crazy! We were supposed to find out tomorrow at this huge mission-wide meeting (which by the way never happens - like you have to get approval from the Seventy to do this) but LDS Newsroom leaked the info before it was supposed to be released. LDS Newsroom! Ha! So, we found this out and President a few hours later sends us all a frantic email explaining the situation. The good part of this is we still get to have a meeting tomorrow and see all our friends! Yay. 

Last story. So, this week we went to teach our first lesson to this guy named Caleb. Caleb was found by the Relief Society. They were out doing visits and Caleb basically came out and started talking to them and then said, "so how can I be part of this thing?" Haha wow. So, we went over and started teaching him and the Spirit was so strong! It started off with us talking about God and we explained the Godhead and he just looked at us with amazement and said that brings him so much enlightment. Then we continued and he just loved everything we were saying, then he stopped us mid-sentence and said "okay I have something to say but it's a little crazy. When you guys talk, especially *pointing to me* when you talk... you glow. I can see a light come out of you and my heart feels relief with every word you say." It was amazing. So powerful and such an answer to both of our prayers. Caleb wasn't able to come to church on Sunday, but we have another lesson with him this week and hope to see him next Sunday. 

Well, that’s all I have for you. I love all you guys and I'm so grateful for the support I receive from you in letters, emails, and prayers. They mean a lot to me. 

Sister Aase