Monday, February 25, 2019

I Love Being a Missionary!

Okay, I realized that I haven't done one of these in a while. So here it is-my top reasons why I love being a missionary. 
~I love teaching people who have been prepared for our message
We taught this girl named Arianna this week and we asked her what she likes to do for fun and she told us, "well I like to read the scriptures". What a cutie! We had our first lesson with her and put her on a date for March 23rd. So excited!  

~ I love it when we are expecting people at church and then they don't come.
Sounds odd huh? But here is why I love it. When that happens, we are absolutely devastated and that means that we love them with our whole heart and soul, and that, my friends, means we are doing our job! 

~ I love it when we think someone didn't come to church but really, they just snuck in the back.
Man! that is always such a cool thing. Dylan did that to us this week. Then after the meeting, she came running up to us because she was so happy she came and wanted to show us her curled hair that she did for Church and HER DAD CAME! whoop whoop. She is planning on being baptized March 16th and hopefully, her dad will baptize her. 

~I love having companions and missionary friends that make you laugh until your sides hurt 
Have I mentioned how much I love Sister Hansen? She is the best and we are always laughing and getting ourselves into funny situations. We also love jamming to music, which is always the best. 

~ I love service projects 
This week at Zone Conference, a lady told us all about JustServe and how we should log into it online. I already knew about JustServe but this just ignited my fire to use it more. We have a service project coming up with our district that we are super excited about. It will be great. I'll send lots of pictures next week

~I love being a servant of the Lord and having the Spirit with me always 
Life is so good. We had an amazing lesson with this man named Richard this week and during the lesson, I was able to promise him all these amazing blessing because that's what I can do as a missionary. How cool is that? Richard is amazing and is planning on being baptized March 30th. We are so excited for him. Please send prayers his way. He is starting Chemo in about a week. He is a fighter and super strong but prayers are always good. 

Okay love you all and I hope you all had amazing weeks. 
I will see you soon ðŸ’›ðŸ’›ðŸ’›
Sister Aase 

1) So we started our walking week and two blocks in I realized that I was already starting to get a blister so I had to sit down on the ground and put a band-aid on... oh the joys of the work. 
2) Me and cute sister Hansen. 


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

What the Hail?!!

Wowzers what a week! 
First I just want to clear somethings up for people. So yes! We can indeed call and facetime and text our families now on our preparation days (usually Mondays). It’s super awesome and I can see multiple benefits from it.

•Doing the "come follow me" program with your family
•Helping your family get involved with missionary work
•Giving struggling missionaries a chance to get some good motherly advice in "person" 
•Creating habits of communicating regularly with family members (college prep man) 
•Figuring out future plans easier like college classes. rooming etc. 

So so so many good things. So now that this topic is out of the way, let me tell you about my main girl Hansen. Hansen and I are rocking the world out of Nampa. We are finding so many people and getting so many people on a “date”. It’s amazing and I love the work so much. Also, what I love about Sister Hansen is she knows to have fun with the work. For example, Thursday is our weekly planning day and boy howdy is it a long day but man I don’t think I've laughed so hard my whole mission. 

I'll share just one quick miracle this week. We taught this boy named Cody this week. He is 11 and has autism but his family really feels like it’s the right time for him to learn and be baptized. So, it was our first lesson with him and we had only met him briefly before, so we really didn't know how it was going to go. So, as we were planning for our first lesson, we really were trying to listen to the Spirit for inspiration and "bam bam turkey and ham" it came. We ended up having a great lesson with Cody and he seemed like he caught on to what we were saying. It was amazing.

So, lots going on here. I hope you all are staying alive out there and loving life and helping others to love it too. 

Love Sister Aase 

p.s. It hailed this week... like 3 times so that was our catchphrase of the week... hence the title. 

1) This is a bunny I held at dinner
2) These are the McCleary’s. They are my favorite people
3) Elder O’Connell’s birthday was yesterday and we celebrated with a pinata we called Tina. It was grand. 

Monday, February 11, 2019

Snowy, Snowy Blessings

Hello Everyone! 
Okay so I know I can't complain that much about the cold because half of the people on this email just went through a crazy POLAR VORTEX but let me tell you the craziness that happened this week. Sister Hansen and I share a car with the Elders in our district and we exchange it on Friday mornings. We had a snow storm Friday afternoon.... right after we gave the car away. It was crazy, but you want to know something? God loves and blesses missionaries who walk. So let me give you a rundown of what happened after we started walking.
·      We gave out 4 copies of the Book of Mormon
·      We put someone on goal date for baptism  
·      We found 2 new people to teach 
·      We had 5 people come to church (3 of which are not even investigators...yet) 

Also, we ran into a crazy lady which is always SO FUN. Here name is Elizabeth and she really liked touching our hands and praying with us. Super crazy.

Well, I love all you guys and I know that God is aware of us and will bless us when we choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong. 
Love you
Sister Aase 

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Sister Ellett Don't Goooooooo

I love transfers but they are also such a confusing time. You are excited but nervous, happy but sad, pumped and amp for change, but soooo exhausted. It’s just crazy. 

So transfers for me?  I am staying here (yay) but losing Sister Ellett (not yay). We are so bummed we won't be together anymore. I'm getting Sister Hansen. I've never met her before because she was "born in banishment" (which means she started her mission in the corner of our mission boundaries so she hasn't been around a lot of missionaries for basically her whole mission.) So I'm excited to meet her and get a new friend. 

So let’s talk about the week. This “Come Follow Me” program is amazing! We have been using it to reach out to people who don't go to church anymore. We study the program with them and the Spirit fills their homes. I love learning from the New Testament and studying Christ's life. It's so awesome. 

We also visited this girl named Aubrey. She has been meeting with missionaries forever but we have had the hardest time setting up a time to meet with her. Then this last week we went over and when we were about to leave, she asked if we could come back next week to have dinner with her. We are excited to continue this friendship and hopefully get her progressing in the Gospel. 

Anyway, that is all that I have folks. Hope all your weeks were wonderful. 
Sister Aase 


These were from last pday when we went ice skating as a zone. I love ice skating.... even though I'm really bad.