Monday, November 20, 2017

Mugs & Hugs

Hello Friends!
So Since I just emailed you on Thursday there is not a lot to say. But I will tell you it has been getting cold here... like really cold. I got a really big coat on Thursday and I love it and have been wearing it like every day. Also, we have been given so much Hot Chocolate it's ridiculous. We are always offered it in like every house we go to. Sister Soelberg is obsessed with hot chocolate so we always say yes. My favorite part is looking at all the mugs. I drank out of a fantasia mug this week. It was beautiful haha. Anyway another great part of serving in Idaho is that random strangers just come up to us and give us hugs all the time. They will say things like "I just got home from a mission and I just love you guys" or "my son's on a mission and you guys are just so special". I love it because I love hugs... other missionaries think it's weird... but I'm totally into it. Anyway short email but just know that the Church is true and God really does know and love each and every one of us. 
Have a great Thanksgiving and go and do something for someone else!

Sister Aase

These are photos that we received on Thanksgiving from the family in the photo - members who invited Abby and her companion to have dinner with them.  

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