Monday, January 15, 2018

Always in My Thoughts

Hello Friends! 
How has everyone been this week? It's been another great week here in Nampa with lots of laughs and goofing off. Sister Soelberg and I made a music video this week and I would show it to you, but it's way too long to send so I guess everyone will just have to see it when I get home. So with the impending doom of transfers coming this week, I thought I would tell you about all the investigators we have been teaching here in Nampa just in case I leave... because who knows what will happen. 

Courtney: Courtney is a sweet girl and was someone the Elders found before we came. She is in her twenties and has two super cute kids. She has a very solid testimony and is just waiting for her husband to get home from the military to get baptized. Her date right now is in May... but it might even happen soon because her husband is now coming home sooner. I will keep you posted. 

Alexis and Tyler Childer: Alexis and Tyler are two “bomb” kids that the Elders started working with after their parents got baptized. They love the Gospel and want it in their lives so badly. Right now we are just working with the biological mom to allow them to get baptized. It's very dramatic and feels like we are in some crazy soap-opera some weeks but it keeps us entertained and we love the kids so we just keep on moving forward. 

Faith: Faith is the sweetest girl and basically my best friend. She just graduated last year and so has a lot of free time. We come and talk and hang out with her all the time. She has had a pretty hard life but loves this Gospel and finds so much comfort in the singles ward. As to why we are teaching her and not the Elders in the singles ward.... umm... she told us she likes us better... so we stole her. We feel kinda bad about that buuuuut we also love her so much so we are all good. 

Mercedes: Mercedes is the cutest girl ever. She is 22 and is way pregnant which makes us all laugh because she claims she never cries but she is always crying in our lessons because "hormones" (but we all know what’s really happening). She is planning to get baptized pretty soon because she just knows this is true. Her husband is a less active member so we are working with him because we would love it if he could baptize her, but we will just have to see what happens. 

James: James is awesome. He is in his 70s and his wife is a super strong member. He worked in the Meridian Temple open house quite a bit and even met President Uchtdorf. The whole experience changed him and opened his heart and so now he is taking discussions from us. He loves us and we love him. He is really sad that one of us might be leaving this week and tells us that he is going to call the Mission President and complain... we really pray that he doesn't haha. 

We have a lot of other cool investigators that I love but these are definitely our most progressing investigators. I hope that didn't bore you all haha. These people really are just my life and they are all I think about.

Who are you working with at home? How are you serving those around you? Who do you think about? It took me coming on a mission to realize how selfish I was when I was at home. I just constantly thought of myself. Hopefully when I get back home I will remember to think of others. 

I love you all,
Sister Aase  

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