Monday, July 02, 2018

My Testimony

Hello everyone. This email is going to be a little different but hopefully, you will like it. In one week I will hit my halfway mark (craziness I know) so I want to show you how these past 9 months have changed me and I think the biggest way I can show it is by sharing my testimony with you.

It has grown over the last 9 months and, although being very simple, it has become a very precious thing to me and I would love to share it with you.

I know that I have a loving Heavenly Father. I can see it every day by the miracles he pours down on me. I know that He has an infinite amount of love for each of His children even if we think we or they or she or he doesn't deserve His love. We can't do anything to run away from His love it's just simply always there. 

I know that Jesus Christ lived a perfect life. I know that through Him, and only through Him, I can be made perfect too. I know that He knows exactly what I'm going through and will support me in my trials if I let him. 

I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers. I know this through personal experiences and I know this through other's experiences. I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ truly did visit a young 15-year-old boy as an answer to his simple prayer. I know that this is the true restored church and it contains the proper priesthood authority received directly from Jesus Christ.

I know that the Book of Mormon is true because I've read it. I've prayed about it. I've seen the fruits that have come from it and they are good. I know that it is true. 

I love this gospel and I love my family and I say these things humbly now in the name of the one who is perfect and knows me perfectly, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sister Aase  

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