Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Birthdays, bikes, and back to the beginning

Thank you guys so much for the birthday wishes. It has been making me so happy all day long. It actually has been a crazy day today because today is transfer day. I am going to Meridian again! Back to the same zone that I started my mission in. I have already served in that zone for 9 whole months and I'm excited to find the reason that I'm being sent back. I have absolutely loved being here in Kuna. I love the people here; members and nonmembers, full-time missionaries and member missionaries. I have had to say goodbye to so many people yesterday and today and it has been so hard. But I am so grateful for a childhood that has taught me that it is such a blessing to have hard goodbyes because that means that you have the ability to really truly love.  

I also get to be in a biking area in Meridian. I'm so excited to be able to bike. I have gotten to be a biking missionary one day in my mission so far AND IT WAS THE BEST DAY EVER. We saw so many miracles that day. I feel like God truly blesses the missionaries who bike because they are sacrificing just a little bit more for His work. Also, just a side note to my parents don't worry about me getting a bike my good friend Sister Bubert is letting me borrow hers while I'm in this area. She is the best. 

So a miracle that happened this week is that we got two new investigators! Last Sunday Sister Goodrich and I were roaming the halls after Sacrament meeting. We weren't really sure what class to go to (which by the way never happens. We typically always have a very mapped out plan for Sundays). So there we were not sure where to go when this lady ran up to us and said: "sisters do you have any place to go right now!?!". It ended up she had two of her grand-kids with her this weekend that weren't members and she wanted us to teach them the first discussion. So we bravely walked into a classroom filled with 9 and 10 years olds and taught them the first discussion. Let me tell you guys 9 and 10-year-olds are crazy. But it was the most amazing thing. We got in there and they were wild talking and telling us all about their lives. I knew that we needed the Spirit in order to teach them, so I said a prayer and from then on every time we spoke they were silent and listening to our every word. It was amazing. At the end of the lesson, I talked to Hiri and Stockly (the grand-kids to this lady) and asked if we could come over next weekend and teach them more. They both said, "that would be cool" (obviously, because they couldn't show any excitement ;) ) We went over Saturday and had an awesome lesson with them. I'm so sad I won't be able to teach these kiddos more, but I'm so happy for the little experiences that I had with them. 

So as for my birthday haha, a lot of people have been asking what I want and I've been racking my brain because I want to give people the opportunity to serve (I always hate it when we ask people what we can do and they say they are fine) and so I came up with the one thing that would mean the world to me if you did it. Please invite the missionaries to teach in your home. I doesn’t matter if you have been an active member your whole life, a return missionary, never have had any contact with missionaries besides my emails, or haven't had a testimony or gone to church in years. The missionary lessons will strengthen your testimony. They will make you a better person. They will bring you immeasurable amounts of joy. On top of just making a missionary’s day. There are so many days out on the mission where all you want to do is testify of Christ and His restored gospel but no one will let you. Please invite them to your home and let them. 

I love being out here on my birthday. I love bringing joy to others. I loved Kuna so much and I will come to love these new people in Meridian. 

Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers,
Sister Aase  

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