Tuesday, October 31, 2017

And She's OFF !!

We had a wonderful 14-minute phone call with Abby this morning from the SLC Airport.  She was made the "Team Travel Leader", responsible for getting all 20 missionaries off the Mission Training Center (MTC) bus and onto the TRAX light rail to the airport, then getting them checked in.  Thankfully, she knows how to delegate.

She was a mix of emotions on the phone - excited & nervous, happy & anxious, and after a few minutes on the phone, admitted to being a little homesick (which is why missionaries aren't allowed to call home once they arrive in their missions - it's just too hard and it makes them more homesick).  But more importantly, she was upbeat and ready to get to work.

We received a very nice letter from President Sorensen, the Mission President over the Idaho Nampa Mission, along with a photo of Sister Aase with Pres. & Sister Sorensen.

I'll share a little from the letter we received:

"After arriving at the mission office and conducting a brief orientation of the mission, I had the opportunity of interviewing your daughter, in an effort, to become better acquainted with her and to feel of her spirit.  As a result of this interview, I felt impressed to assign your daughter, as a companion, to the most obedient, most skilled, and hardest working missionary in the mission.  You can be assured that this companion is one of our mission’s very best."

One of the things Abby has told us several times during her time at the Mission Training Center, was that she wanted to work hard - so it looks like she'll be doing just that!!

Sister Aase & Pres. & Sis Sorensen

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