Monday, June 25, 2018

Kenny's First Flight

Hello everyone! 
How has everyone's first week of summer been?!?! We've had a very interesting week, but I think every week of missionary work is interesting haha. I had multiple awkward moments this week that made Sister Robertson and I laugh for hours for example I got peed on by a dog this week, mistook a 30-year-old for an 18-year-old (at least it wasn't the other way around), and had a staring contest with this lady in her car as we stood in her driveway. ahhhh I love missionary work.
So this week was full of finding activities aka tracting, tracting, and more tracting. It's a very long and tiring and frustrating process but we think the Lord will soon bless us for our efforts. So during this hard week, we would take 15-minute happy breaks so we could keep our sanity.

This is where the title comes in. So a little fun fact when missionaries leave areas (especially when they are going home) they leave a ton of crap for other missionaries to deal with. When Sister Black left 2 months ago, I found my new best friend Kenny the Kite. Kenny is a rainbow-colored, twenty-foot-long, magical, taped together kite... and boy-oh-boy does he make me happy. I've brought this kite with me to every single p-day for the last 2 months and it has never made it above 3 feet and most missionaries at this point would have lost all faith in him... until this week! 

Kenny had his first real flight this week and it seriously made me so happy! But with all the silliness of kite flying, it actually made me think of a lesson that could be applied to all of this; In order to succeed, we have to align our will with God's will. These past's months as we have been flying this kite it was so odd because the wind was there (God's will) and we wanted our kite to fly (our will) but we were fighting against the wind this whole time. We tried to direct where the kite would go instead of letting the wind take it where it needed to go. I think a lot of times in our lives (maybe more subconsciously than not) we think we know best, and when we are prompted to do something or go somewhere different we panic and pull back saying that it doesn't make any sense. We must understand and remember we are living on the ground, so to speak, while God is up above and can see everything. He knows where we need to go. He knows what we need to do. He knows what he wants us to be. We know nothing. I have learned that poignantly this week. Let him guide you. Let him direct you. Let him shape you. I promise that as you do this your life will be easier and happier.

I know that God knows each of us and I know that he loves us more then we can imagine.

Hope you all have a great week,
Sister Aase 

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